
No family of dogs is ever built without a great foundation to begin your family with. We were lucky, to begin with, a black Miniature Poodle from Round Table Kennels. Stormy was only 13”; she was our first Champion Miniature Poodle. “Ch. Round Table Storm Warning”. Stormy lived until 20 1/2 years of age. She is behind many of the pedigrees today in miniature Poodles.

It was here that the kennel name “Random Wind “emerged from a book, which I was reading at the time. From Stormy’s name, I kept a weather theme that has continued through most of our Miniature Poodles today. Later a dream theme based on the movie “Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams” was added and continued in our theme of names for our Miniature Poodles.

Stormy produced two daughters that began our two directions of pedigrees in which we began this family of Miniature Poodles. The first was Random Wind Stormy Nights, Robin. The second Daughter was Ch. Random Wind Weather Report, Molly. It was with these two Stormy daughters that we built our family. These two miniatures played a heavy role in how our lines went forward. Eventually, the two lines were joined in several of our litters.